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Rosbank Performance in 2007
Rosbanks retail loan portfolio grew bymore than 20% onthe year in2007to99billion rubles asof January 1.

Last year, the bank issued 836,000retail loans worth 66.7billion rubles.

The car loans are still most frequent inthe banksportfolio ofcredits. The car loan content ofthat portfolio amounted to43.4% asof the end ofthe year 2007and reached atotal of42.9billion rubles. Non-purpose loans amounted to32.2billion rubles, or32.6% ofthe retail loan portfolio.

Funds from individual clients grew 10.7% onthe year to70.1billion rubles asof January 1.

Rosbank intends toincrease its retail loan portfolio 30%-40% onthe year in2008, the banks Deputy CEO Vladimir Golubkov said.

In 2007, Rosbank kept its leading position onthe Russian market ofcorporate and municipal loans. The bank arranged loans for 14corporate borrowers and 13Russiasregions and municipal institutions for the total sum of48billion rubles. Asan underwriter, the bank arranged 46bond issues worth 25billion rubles with the nominal value exceeding 124billion rubles, which represents 24% ofoverall ruble-denominated bond issues arranged in2007.

In 2007, Rosbank annual turnover onoperations with precious metals reached 7.8billion rubles (5.3billion rubles in2006). The bank sold 15.4billion rubles worth ofphysical gold and 4.3billion rubles ofphysical platinum in2007, compared torespectively 15.5billion rubles and 4.3billion rubles ayear earlier. Rosbank said balances onclients metal accounts grew by157% in2007, to7.7billion rubles.

Rosbanks mortgage loan portfolio grew 80% in2007tomore than 9billion rubles asof January 1.

In 2007, loans topurchase accommodation under construction represented 38% ofRosbanks mortgage portfolio, while loans topurchase accommodations already constructed- 62%.58% are ruble-denominated loans and 42% ofloans were given inUS dollars

As ofthe beginning ofthe year, Rosbank offered mortgage loans inRussias68largest cities. The bank disbursed 60% ofall mortgage loans outside ofMoscow in2007.

As ofJanuary 1, 2008, credits issued byRosbank tosmall and medium-size businesses exceeded 7.6billion rubles, which is36% upcompared tothe same period in2007(as ofJanuary 1, 2007- .6billion rubles).

In 2007, the volume ofcorporate credit portfolio ofRosbank climbed almost 2-fold and asof 1Jan 2008totaled $5.2bln (compared to$2.8bln asof January 1, 2007). The bankscredits totraders account for 16.8% from the overall corporate credit portfolio. The share ofcredits todevelopers is11.8%, those tothe industrial defense complex- 8.3%, tooil and oil chemistry businesses- 5.2%, tocolored metals producers- 4.9%, toleasing companies- 4.2%. The credits given topublic authorities ofthe Russian regions amounted to$308 million, 5.9% from the total corporate credit portfolio ofthe bank.

As ofJan 1, 2008, Rosbank issued 3.404mln. plastic cards which generate anannual payment flow of119.72billion rubles in2007.