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The Foundation is now announcing the launch of new large-scale initiatives to help non-profits and their beneficiaries to survive the next few months
More Topics COVID-19 / donations / coronavirus / Vladimir Potanin
The common take-away was that «to become nature lovers, people need to have access to nature». Thus, the number one task is to create a legislative framework, currently all but non-existent.
More Topics Interros / Sustainable tourism / ecotourism / nature tourism / Rosa Khutor
V.Potanin and M.Prokhorov intend inthe course of2007torestructure business ofthe Interros group.
More Topics Norilsk Nickel / Rosbank / Power Machines
The Nongovernmental Pension Fund (NPF) Interros-Dostoinstvo Board Meeting decided toassign control over the Fund toOJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel.
More Topics Norilsk Nickel / Interros-Dostoinstvo