
Press Center
Building on the success of Rosa Khutor resort, the $1 bln project will bring quality hotels and rehabilitation facilities, new skiing tracks for over a million of visitors per year while creating thousands of new jobs More
Topics Interros / VEB.RF / Vasta Discovery / Sochi
Vladimir Potanin donated 500 million rubles ($6.7ml) aimed for creation of smart materials with pre-programmed properties. The project envisages establishment of a brand new Laboratory of Programmable Functional Materials, and will be carried out under the leadership of the Nobel laureate Konstantin Novoselov. More
Topics Vladimir Potanin / Interros / Konstantin Novoselov / Tagir Aushev / Human Brain / Fundamental research / physics

Rosa Khutor was named Russia's Best Ski Resort for the eighth time.
Topics Rosa Khutor 12.08.2020
Rusal continues the pattern of public groundless accusations against Norilsk Nickel and its team.
During the past 12 years since the purchase of the stake in Norilsk Nickel, Rusal has not advanced a single significant initiative aimed at modernizing Norilsk Nickel or expanding its ore and production capacities.
Topics Interros