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The Group’s 2019 Sustainability Report is the sixteenth public, non-financial report to be published by Nornickel. It goes into detail on how the Company is contributing to the six UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals that have been identified as the most relevant and prioritised.
Topics Norilsk Nickel Vladimir Potanin informed President Vladimir Putin about Norilsk Nickel’s 2016 performance and the company’s current operations.
Norilsk Nickel embarked on a long-term development program that will last through 2023. Once implemented, it will lead to a 50 percent increase in the production of ore, and will almost double company's enrichment volumes. By 2023 Norilsk Nickel plans to reduce air pollutant emissions by 75 percent. Norilsk Nickel will create three thousand additional jobs to make sure that the upgrades do not lead to social tensions. That will require approximately 1 trillion rubles of investments, 250 billion of which will go towards environmental protection programs.
Topics Norilsk Nickel Nornikel’s 2015 corporate social responsibility report (CSO) received the highest award in three categories at MarCom Awards, a prestigious international competition. The company won platinum statuettes in three categories: Best CSO Report, Best Designed CSO Report, and Best Text CSO Report. This is the first time that Nornikel receives the highest awards in all three categories.
Topics Norilsk Nickel