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Resolution on election of the new General Director (CEO) of the Company was adopted by the Board.The appointment of Vladimir Potanin was approved unanimously. Vladimir Strzhalkovsky, who occupied this position since August 2008, resigned the office.It was decided unanimously to hold an extraordinary shareholders meeting on January 29, 2013 to allow shareholders to examine the matter of reducing the share capital of the Company as well as of introducing amendments into its Charter. The Board of Directors has ruled to advise the shareholders to vote in favor of reducing the share capital of the Company.Another ruling concerned convening another in person extraordinary shareholders’ meeting on March 11, 2013. The event will focus on «Early termination of powers of the Board of Directors» and «Electing the Companys Board of Directors.»
More Topics Norilsk Nickel
RUSAL, Interros and Millhouse agreed to redeem all quasi-treasury shares held by MMC amounting to 16.99%.RUSAL and Interros will sell 3,873,537 and 5,420,464 shares in Norilsk Nickel, respectively, to Millhouse at USD160 per share. Following the redemption of all quasi-treasury shares held by Norilsk Nickel, Interros, RUSAL and Millhouse will hold approximately 30.3%, 27.8% and 5.87% shares in MMC, respectively. As such, the parties will deposit approximately 20% of Norilsk Nickel shares to a nominated escrow account. The parties also agreed that the Board of Directors of Norilsk Nickel shall be composed of thirteen members out of which four nominated by RUSAL, four by Interros, and one by Millhouse. The parties will also nominate one independent director each and give minority shareholders an opportunity to elect one director. The Board of Directors of Norilsk Nickel will be held on 17 December 2012 where decisions to appoint Vladimir Potanin as CEO of Norilsk Nickel and to call an Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders to elect a balanced Board of Directors of Norilsk Nickel and to introduce changes into the MMCs charter will be considered.
More Topics Norilsk Nickel
Moscow, 4 December 2012 UC RUSAL (SEHK: 486, Euronext: RUSAL/RUAL, Moscow Exchange: RUALR/RUALRS), the worlds largest aluminium producer, and Interros company, MMC Norilsk Nickel’s largest shareholder, have reached a principal agreement aimed to settle the shareholders conflict and envisaging conclusion of an agreement between Interros, UC RUSAL and Millhouse. The agreement is aimed at integrating the efforts of all parties to maximize profitability and shareholders’ value, as well as delivering improvements to the existing corporate governance structures.
More Topics Norilsk Nickel
In September 2012 Vladimir Potanin Charity Foundation and Russian International Olympic University (RIOU) will announce a special contest for applicants wishing to complete the Master of Sport Administration (MSA) educational programme.
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2 July 2012 the Vladimir Potanin Charity Foundation launched two-year pilot programme «Endowment: A Strategy for Growth». The programme is aimed to develop endowment funds in Russia as a social and charity institution. Representatives of the non-profit organizations which are establishing or willing to raise their endowments are allowed to take part in the program. 25 winners of the contest will undergo the training at NES within special two-year educational course «Effective Fundraising for Endowments». The programme will be implemented in partnership with the New Economic School and The Donors Forum.
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